22% of Gen Z Turn to CBD for Menstrual Cramp Relief, Forbes Health Survey Finds

A recent Forbes Health survey conducted by OnePoll has highlighted a significant trend among Gen Z users of cannabidiol (CBD), with 22% reporting they use CBD to alleviate menstrual cramps. This finding is part of a broader examination into the expanding use of CBD products across various age groups in the United States, reflecting the compound’s increasing integration into wellness practices.

The survey, which gathered responses from 1,000 U.S. adults who have used CBD in the last three years, indicates that CBD’s popularity is growing not just for general ailments but for specific, sometimes overlooked, health issues like menstrual pain. While CBD is commonly used for managing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, and reducing chronic pain, its use in treating menstrual cramps among young adults is gaining attention.

“Dysmenorrhea, or menstrual cramping, affects approximately 85% of menstruating individuals,” the report notes, pointing out the commonality of this condition and the ongoing search for effective treatments beyond traditional methods such as medication and heat therapy.

Dr. Jessica Cho, a member of the Forbes Health Advisory Board, explains that CBD’s potential effectiveness for menstrual cramps may be linked to its interaction with the endocannabinoid system, which plays a significant role in managing pain and inflammation. However, she emphasizes that further clinical research is necessary to fully understand and validate CBD’s effects in this area.

The survey also reveals differing patterns in CBD usage across generations. While baby boomers and the Silent Generation primarily use CBD for chronic pain and sleep improvement, younger generations, including Millennials and Gen Z, are more likely to use it for mental health benefits and stress relief.

Dr. Kelly Culwell, another Forbes Health Advisory Board member, cautions users, “Due to the lack of FDA regulation, it’s important to approach CBD products with scrutiny and to consult healthcare professionals for guidance on appropriate use and dosages, especially for specific conditions like menstrual cramps.”

This growing inclination towards CBD, particularly among younger adults, underscores a shift in healthcare trends towards more personalized and potentially natural treatment options, reflecting broader changes in how new generations approach health and wellness.

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